What you should know about studying medicine abroad

Its obvious that over 70% of science-inclined secondary or high school leavers choose studying medicine abroad. And most do this with little knowledge of what it entails.

We all know that medicine is one of the highest paying jobs in any country.

The majority of international students intend to study medicine for reasons peculiar to each individual. But its unfortunate that not all who desires to study medicine gets the opportunity.

Why? Because of several factors beyond the control of international applicants.

It is common knowledge today that most people venture into medicine because of the title and respect attached.

This article covers what studying medicine is all about as well as things you should know about studying medicine abroad.

What studying medicine involves

Not everything is about money. When you aren’t good in your field, you will find out that its a waste of time and years in college, which makes some end up frustrated.

Some students jump into applying to study medicine abroad without having an iota of passion for it.

Before choosing to study a course in a foreign university, there is a need to consider one’s abilities, weaknesses, and capabilities.

Why? It’s a long walk.

There is a need to go for what our heart wants, that is, our passion. What’s the essence of studying medicine when you are allergic to the sight of blood.

When you can’t stand the sight of an accident or emergency scene.

When you can’t stand caring for your fellow being in excruciating pain?

Just to apply first aid to an injured person is a big task for you. Why then are you going for medicine or is it just another means of earning a living?

Check out these 5 top courses to study in Nigeria with good employment rate.

Have you wondered how best you can stand the sight of blood?

Can you be strong enough to neglect your emotions at times? Besides, a physician doesn’t have to be overwhelmed by feelings for a patient in the theatre battling to save his/her life. Such a physician would be unable to be careful with surgical needles.

A physician has to be his/her self and in the best state of mind before going into that surgical room.

Some students end up in medicine because of pressure from their parents. We shouldn’t allow our parents or guardians solely handpick courses for us.

Bear in mind that when you go into a course you know nothing about or have no desire whatsoever for just to please your parents, you are doing more harm to yourself than good.

You don’t have to displease yourself to please others. Don’t allow anyone to cajole you into doing what you don’t want to do in the long term. Because you might end up making a ridicule of yourself.

Think about that original dream you won’t achieve.

Think about your abilities you won’t use.

Think about your community you won’t reach out to the way you enjoy.

Think about how unfulfilled you may be in the long-term.

You might even end up doing badly in the medical profession. And at best, average as we now see in so many medical doctors today – where one see physicians and don’t even want to be a physician.

Especially because most have helped send more people to their early graves than they have helped to stay alive.

I have written a help guide on tips to choosing the right course to study. It’s a must read.

How do I know studying medicine is best for me?

Medicine is a course that requires passion and desire, not an hunger for money and comfort (although they may come).

Its about making the world a better place through health advances since people fall sick everyday while others are in one coma or the other.

A forgetful and careless person shouldn’t go into medicine because such a person may end up leaving sharp objects in a patients’ system.

As I mentioned earlier, medical doctors ought to be people willing to make humanitarian sacrifice, and some of them – the few passionate ones with the innate desire and vision to practice medicine, spend almost everyday of their active years in the hospital when on call.

Medical doctors help save lives. Therefore to be a medical doctor, you don’t have to put money first before saving a life.

I want to study medicine abroad. Have any advice for me?

Studying medicine abroad is an opportunity to get the very best education in medical science.

Here are few hand-picked things you should know about studying medicine abroad.

1. It requires higher academic grades

Studying medicine and surgery abroad requires high academic achievement at high school (secondary school). The academic requirements to study medicine and surgery at most foreign universities are relatively higher compared to other courses.

Many would agree that Medicine is a course that requires people who are academically sound as well as in a strong psychological position.

Also, medicine and surgery requires disciplined individuals. A careless person won’t make a good medical doctor due to the fact that such a person may end up tampering with the lives of patients.

To be a physician is not a day’s job. One need to have all it takes. In fact, he or she shouldn’t be loquacious and must also have a good thinking ability.

2. Studying medicine abroad is expensive

Studying medicine and surgery abroad is very expensive. This now present the scenario where some got the brain, but not the cash. Unfortunately, the cash seem to be more important these days.

The result is that we have so many unqualified medical doctors with degrees because they had the cash. Whereas many who who had the brain lacked finance. So they couldn’t make it through.

That is why most brilliant students couldn’t continue their medical pursuit due to lack of finance. That is why some ironically call it a course for the rich.

Here are several funding options to apply for to study abroad.

It is a well known fact that most universities around the world today charge higher tuition-fees and other costs for medicine students.

The school charges of medicine at Oxford can make one bleed from the nose out, although in return for high quality education.

This further help push the course farther away from the grasp of the poor and middle class, dashing so many hopes and dreams in the process.

Students from poor and middle class homes are increasingly unlikely to study medicine without some form of financial aid.

Not to mention that most of them have the dreams to become seasoned doctors, yet the rising cost of acquiring this education in universities shatters these dreams.

You might also find this article on: how to get a fully funded scholarship to study abroad helpful.

3. Studying medicine requires hard work and benevolence

Some students today jump into studying medicine without knowing the reason for going into it in the first place. Some jump into it because of financial gratification, forgetting there is more to it than just the money.

That is if there is any money at all.

They neglect the realization that there are lots of sacrifices to be made for others as a medical doctor. They even forget that money should come last.

The credit hours for studying medicine is quite higher than that of some other courses.

That’s because medicine is a course that requires you to put in the hours. Little to zero knowledge of this has made some international students take a lackadaisical approach to studying medicine.

4. Studying medicine takes time

While most universities abroad offer Medicine as a 5 or 6 years independent course, few offer medicine as a major in a 7 years period.

The bottom line is; the total duration for studying medicine abroad vary by universities and countries.

What is however important to take away is that studying medicine takes a while in College, just so you are ready.

There is no better way of saying you should never go into medicine without having an inherent desire to help save lives through medical knowledge.

Studying medicine abroad is rewarding, in that you get to acquire quality education to enable you have a go at being effective in medical practice.

Returning to your home country after studying medicine abroad gives you enough prestige and edge to have a successful career in your local community.

Your journey to study medicine lies within you.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post?

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Latest comments (3)

Fuani James mark

Thanks for the updates all is well but I would like to ask you that you talked of financial but it’s scholarship why am I suppose to pay requirement as if am not under scholarship ?