Why your breasts may sag and how to tighten sagging breast

I know you are wondering why I chose to put this content together.

Well, I’ll tell you why.

I woke up one day, and saw a video of a very pretty lady crying on the internet. You can imagine that.

And I had to view the content of the video, only to realize that she felt ashamed of her breast. She explained that she was born with a sagged breast because of its huge size, but then no one understood it from that perspective.

The almighty myth about breast sagging seems to have beclouded people’s mind. Maybe you also believe that breast sag is as a result of one abstract thing or the other.

Very well, we’ll both discover if you are right after reading this content. See you at the end.

You know it’s not necessary to begin to state reasons for sagging breast without explaining the types of breast you possess.

Hence let’s discuss the type of breast females have.

Types of the Breast

1. Relaxed breast – This kind of breast has natural loose elastic tissues. This simply means that by nature, this kind of breast appears to be fallen, maybe due to fatty tissues and other external factors.

2. Conical – the conical breast has a cone shape. It’s base (down part) is circular and round, while it’s apex (mouth part) is pointed.

It’s very common in females with balanced body weight.

3. Round – The round breast is full both at the top and bottom. It’s the most common breast type and has a Uniform appearance.

4. Bell shaped – This particular breast type has a narrow appearance at the top and a full appearance at the bottom.

This gives it the bell-like appearance.

5. Tear drop – the tear drop is like the bell shaped. The major difference is that it’s slightly rounder than the Bell shaped breast at the bottom.

These are the five basic types of breasts. The other types that exist are just slight deviations from the basics.

Now that we have seen the types of breasts that exist, we can hence, look into the reasons why the shape and structure of this breasts may get distorted.

It’s most important to understand that the breast tissues are elastic. This tells you that expansions can take place.

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It also means that the breast would most likely not return to normal after exceeding it threshold.

But why do breast sag?

I’m sure you are eager to know. And I am eager to share evidence-based reasons with you.

Reasons why breasts sag

The following factors contribute to breast sagging.

1. Natural/Genetic – Having explained the different shapes of the breast, we can conclude that a person with a relaxed breast has a saggy breast by nature.

It’s a default effect here and isn’t as a result of any external factor.

2. Body Fat – Gaining sudden weight, loosing sudden weight and being over weight are contributing factors to a sagging breast.

It’s therefore advisable to manage a healthy weight.

Maintain your body fat and if you need to loose or add weight, do so moderately.

3. Hormones – Secretions of Hormones such as oestrogen and progesterone (both are female reproductive hormones) has effects on the breast and could sometimes cause it to sag.

Hormonal disorders could also contribute. Hormonal disorder is as a result of imbalance in the hormones leading to an allergic reaction in progesterone and oestrogen levels.

This imbalance lead to many complications, including weight gain which further leads to a sag in the breast as a result of overweight.

4. Age – The breast contains Glandular, Connective and Fat tissues. As you advance in age, your oestrogen level reduces.

This reduction affects the elastic tissues and would lead to a sag.

This is the singular reason why our elderly mothers and grandmothers tend to have very sagged breasts.

5. Pregnancy and breastfeeding – You will agree with me that when an elastic object exceeds its elasticity, it will most likely not return to normal. This replays in a female’s body during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The breast naturally expands during lactation (breastfeeding) to allow for the secretion of breast milk. It becomes difficult to return back to normal as the glands have exceeded their threshold.

This is why there is a saggy effect after childbirth.

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6. External Factors such as smoking – smoking is a causative agent.

It’s advisable to avoid it thoroughly.

How to tighten sagging breasts

Having pointed out all these, some few things you should do if you feel uncomfortable with your breast shape or saggy nature includes:

  • Get a good bra.
  • See a Gynaecologist.
  • Get a surgery if you can afford one.
  • Eat healthy and stay hydrated.
  • Have an exercise routine.
  • Totally avoid smoking.
  • Have a good posture.

Its important to mention that you can also keep your breasts from sagging by following the above recommendations.

Summing up

In conclusion, it’s out of place to body shame anyone. We should love people for who they are irrespective of their body type, skin color, amongst others.

I’m glad you read to this point.

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