How to solve issue with NYSC relocation (2024)

When it comes to nysc relocation, there is a way to go about it.

Relocation and Redeployment mean the same time. I will be using both words interchangeably in this guide.

Most of the time, the reason your relocation is not granted is because you don’t do it well. Previously, I wrote a detailed guide on how to do NYSC relocation and get approval.

And in this guide, I will be sharing common relocation problems, and how you can resolve them.

No matter where you are serving, or your current situation with relocation, this page will be helpful to you. Just as this page about how to start life as a fresh graduate in Nigeria will be.

Here is how you can resolve nysc relocation problem.

1. Don’t apply for relocation more than once in camp

This can make your relocation application to be unsuccessful. Once the camp official detect that you have submitted more than one relocation form in camp, they are likely going to block your application.

Regardless of how desperate you are to relocate from your current state of deployment, never collect two relocation form. Collect only one, fill, and submit back to the designated camp officials.

2. Don’t apply for relocation on health ground with common illness

The fact that you applied for relocation on health ground doesn’t mean your request will be approved.

In fact, the main idea of this relocation route is for people with illnesses that require them to be close to their doctor or health facility. This kind of sickness is normally serious or life-threatening.

So, applying for relocation on health ground due to malaria, typhoid, cold, back pain or chest pain means your application will not be approved.

Why? They believe those kind of medical conditions can be managed in your current state of deployment, even though you are posted to a village. In this case, the best they can do for you is post you to an urban area (like the state capital) where you can access healthcare.

3. Applying immediately after camp

If you apply for relocation once you leave camp (unless you have connection), your application will not be approved. The best time to apply for relocation is in camp (second week). If you miss that one, you have the opportunity to reapply (online) three months after camp.

Outside those application windows, relocation is not possible, unless you have people helping you another way.

4. Unable to print relocation letter

After relocation approval, some corp members get this response on their dashboard:

Congratulations!!! Your Application has been approved.

However, to Print your Relocation letter, you are to get clearance from your State Coordinator.

If you are having this problem, it means your relocation has been FLAGGED. Why? It didn’t pass through the correct process.

To resolve it, you will need to go to your state of deployment to get approval from state coordinator. If that’s not something you are able to do for one reason or the other, then you need to have connection.

You can also send me a message if you’re having this issue to help you resolve it: 08179683487.

5. Not documenting on time

Once your relocation has been approved, you are required to accept the relocation on your dashboard and make payment of One Thousand Naira (₦1,000).

You will only be able to print your relocation slip after you have made this payment.

Once printed, take your relocation slip within 3 weeks or 21 days to the state secretariat of your new state of deployment for documentation. If you don’t do that, your relocation will be automatically reversed.

It’s my hope that your relocation pursuit will be successful. Feel free to leave a comment below if you’re having issues with relocation or any nysc-related matter

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4 thoughts on “How to solve issue with NYSC relocation (2024)

  1. I have applied for redeployment to platuea state jos but is yet to be approved after 14days it’s still showing your application is been processed and my health issue is bad. Pls I don’t want to forfeit nysc but in this case I have to check on my illness help me sir

    1. The only thing you can really do now is wait, since you said you already applied. Meanwhile, since its your health we’re talking about here, I suggest you notify your LGI or Zonal Inspector (whomever you are able to reach) to enable you travel at once to manage your health, while you’re still waiting for your relocation to reflect. Those officials may even be able to help facilitate your relocation based on health ground by communicating your situation to the state coordinator.

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