Why you are not ready to study abroad | help guide

You want to study abroad starting next year. Great!

You really want to study abroad. All good!

In fact, it’s your earnest desire to study overseas.

So what’s stopping you?

It’s time your desire to study abroad move from just a wish to a reality. And that happens by taking action.

But how do you take action when you don’t even know what to do first?

In a bid to give answers to those questions and many more already on your mind are why I created this post.

On the Scholarships for International Students group – I observed a good number of international students don’t get the scholarships they desire to study overseas.

The number of students that got scholarships and bursary dropped from 2,000 a year to 1,450 by the end of 2019. And that is because, most international students don’t know how to go about getting a scholarship.

More importantly, the number of international students that make it to study abroad has reduced.

Ironically, the number of students with interest to study abroad has increased.

What then can one make of that?

People don’t know how to study abroad. Though they desire to. They want to above everything else.

This post contains five reasons you are not ready to study abroad. Even though you have the intention.

So you’ll check yourself with the tips here and do a honest analysis of yourself. That will help you determine if what’s on your mind is just a wish or a goal you are going to achieve.

The purpose of this post is to help you to study abroad. You should check out this guide to studying abroad.

It’s one of the most comprehensive study abroad guide on TalkScholarship. Following that guide and the guide here are just the knowledge you need to apply in order to study abroad.

Why you are not ready to study abroad yet

Studying abroad and getting a scholarship are two different things.

While studying abroad means being able to study in a foreign country, particularly in developed countries of your choice (on your personal finance or otherwise), getting a scholarship means being sponsored to study abroad.

However, they often go together because the number of people who can’t afford to study abroad is more than thrice as much as the number of people who can afford studying in any country.

And, the focus here is ‘studying abroad’.

So whether you’re able to afford studying abroad or need a scholarship, this post is for you.

Here are five reasons why you may not be ready to study abroad just yet.

1. You have not been accepted into any school abroad

There is no way you would realize your dream of studying abroad if you’re not accepted by any school.

But how can I be accepted by a university abroad, one may ask.

My reply is usually simple. Apply to a university or college abroad.

Yes. Apply to a school you fancy.

In simpler terms, apply for admission. You won’t be able to study abroad if you don’t have an offer of a place at any foreign university.

And if that’s your situation for many years now, even though you still wish to study abroad, then you are not ready.

Hang on..in case your choice destination is United States, check out this guide for how to apply to a US university.

But I want to study on scholarship. Do I still need to apply to a school? Yes!

In fact, having an offer of a place on a course open you to many scholarship opportunities.

There are many entrance scholarships these days to study abroad, especially at universities in Canada, Australia, and the UK.

Learn how to apply to a UK university if you have a desire to study in the UK.

That is, you’re awarded the scholarship automatically once you have an offer of a place. It’s called ‘entrance scholarship’.

Bottom line is, being ready to study abroad means you would apply to a university you like.

And then, you’ll be accepted if you meet the entry requirements for your course.

2. You have no plans to get an international passport

Often times international students message me they’d like to study abroad.

And I ask. Do you have an international passport?

Now, the issue is not whether you have a passport right now or not. The bigger problem is, are you ready to get a passport?

You can’t study abroad without an international passport.

In fact, the application system of almost all universities abroad require that you add your passport number to your application.

You know why they do that? They know you are not yet ready to study there if you don’t have a passport.

The few universities abroad that allow application without a passport demand it once you’re accepted on a course.

It’s that serious.

There are several documents required to study abroad, though a passport is essential.

Universities in South Africa won’t even allow an application go through without an international passport.

Universities in the UK allow application without a passport when starting an application, though it’s a must as you progress.

Same apply if you want to study in Canada, Russia, China, Australia, New Zealand, or Japan.

So even though you are able to apply to a university without a passport and you are given an offer of a place. You won’t be able to complete your registration without it.

The worst part? You can travel out of the country to fulfill that dream of studying abroad without an international passport.

But how do I get an international passport?

Not hard. You get it from the Immigration Service. You can fill an online application on their website or go to their office.

You would get an international passport. And then, you’ll be ready to study abroad.

3. You can’t afford studying abroad

To study abroad requires money. It’s financially intensive.

You already know the cost of studying in Nigeria or other country where you hold citizenship.

How much more studying abroad?

There is no specific cost to mention. Because, the cost of studying abroad varies by country and course you’re studying.

And the reason the cost is so high is not about the tuition. That is basic. Whether in Nigeria or abroad.

Expect a tough start in a new country. When you factor in travel and living expenses, you begin to count the cost.

That’s plus the difference in value of currencies. Little wonder very few people are able to study abroad, since the people who can comfortably afford it are the high and mighty in our society.

But there is hope for the rest of us – scholarships.

Scholarships are a great way to fund your studies abroad, especially if you don’t have a dependable sponsor. Or a sponsor with deep pockets.

This is really nice. But how do I get I get a scholarship?

Be strategic.

Can I get help? Sure!

Follow Us on Twitter for scholarship updates.

Scholarships don’t jump on people. Unless it’s a community scholarship that a company exploring natural resources from your town or village decide to award.

And it happens that it’s your family’s turn to produce a beneficiary. And you’re the only one with a complete secondary school leaving certificate.

Your guess is as good as mine.

There is a ‘how’ in getting a scholarship to study abroad. Check out this guide on getting a full scholarship to study abroad. The ‘how’ and ‘where’ to get a full scholarship is contained there.

But make sure to follow me on Twitter to receive scholarship updates. I tweet new scholarships everyday.

So if you want to study abroad, you either plan to fund your studies yourself or through a scholarship.

And if you’re unable to do any of that, forget about studying abroad this year. You’re not ready yet.

4. You’re undecided on course

When looking to study abroad, you need to start looking up a course to study.

This is because your course determines a number of things.

Your course determines the tuition fee you would pay. That’s because most universities have varying tuition fees for different courses.

Your course determines the university or college you would study. That’s because not all universities or colleges offer the same courses.

So, your area of interest might not be offered by a university you’re considering in your country of choice.

Having a definite course in mind to study also helps you get strategic with your scholarship search. Because, some international scholarships cover specific courses.

Also, courses abroad are more flexible with so much majors and minors to chose from. And there is an issue of studying a course that is marketable in terms of employment.

Therefore if you’re still undecided about the course you want to study, you might not be ready to study abroad starting next year.

To help you with that, particularly if you want to study in USA, I’ve written on most marketable courses to study in USA. You should immediately check it out.

If studying in the UK is your interest, learn more about top degree courses to study in the UK.

5. Keep your mind open

Studying in another country can come with so many uncertainties. Especially if you’re going to study in a far away country.

Different continent,

Different people,

Different culture

Varying beliefs,

And sometimes language too.

All of that looks scary for the first time.

The good thing is that it’s something you can handle.

I recall arriving in Australia the first time, it was one of the most overwhelming moments for me that year.

As an international student, your mind need to be open. More so because you might need to meet new people, make new friends, and learn new languages depending on where you study.

That can be too much if your mind is close.

Deciding to study abroad means you have to relish the adventure.

And as with my experience, so my many friends at various universities in Australia, Canada and the UK share their wonderful experiences too.

Studying abroad is no doubt a great way to move up that ladder in your career and personal achievement.

You might be able to afford studying abroad. Or might be able to get a scholarship. You might have all the requirements including a passport.

But all of that would do you little good if you’re not ready both psychologically and emotionally.

Many times have seen students compelled by their parents to study abroad. They wouldn’t just go.

At this point, this experience is worth sharing.

A parent contacted me early last year, seeking guidance for her son to study in Canada. According to her, she want him to study in Ottawa, Canada.

But “how to start”, “what to do”, and “steps to take” are the reasons they contacted me.

She did mention they could afford sending him to Canada. So there weren’t looking for scholarships, which made my job simpler.

I simply gave some advice which they followed. Also, I completed his application to two universities in Canada as they wanted me to.

By the Fall semester, he got an offer on a full time course at the University of Ottawa.

Thereafter, he got all the necessary travel documents and left for Canada January this year.

Would you believe he returned to Nigeria before the end of February? He did!

He was unable to cope with studying abroad. Being away from his home country – his comfort zone was too much for him.

Now, there are plans to get him enrolled at Covenant University, Nigeria.

No matter who you are or wherever you’re from reading this post, I like you know that studying abroad is not beyond you.

The main reason I wrote this post is to help you achieve ‘your’ dream of studying abroad.

By helping you get ready.

And with an open mind, you will be ready to study in your choice destination starting next year.

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